Kettlebell Warmup
20 Snatches each arm with a 50 lb Kettlebell
60 2 Hand swings same kettlebell.
For the snatches I did 2 sets of 10 reps each arm. The 2 Hand swings were don consecutively.
Manual treadmill push.
20 seconds on, 10 seconds off, 8 rounds.
The manual treadmill push is the hardest thing ever (that's what she said). Basically, it's like pushing a car as fast as you can. Simply stand on a treadmill while it is off, and manually drive the belt with your feet as fast as you can for 20 seconds. Rest 10 seconds and do it again. SHIT...
Heavy Bag
This was my cool down. I set my timer for 15 solid minutes, and just casually moved around working combos. Some speed, some power, nothing formal. I call this "swatting around."
Done in 30-40 minutes.
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