Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Daily Sweat 8/31/11

Today I concentrated more on upper body. I pulled this one out of my butt last minute. This was mostly a boxers workout, without bags or mitts.

  • 3, 2 minute rounds of rope jumping with a 1lb rope, resting 45-60 sec between rounds (weighted jump ropes are HARD! thatswhatshesaid)
  • 100 1 hand swings and 100 jerks (50 each hand) with a 50lb kettlebell. I broke it into 5 sets of 10 each exercise, each arm.
  • 300 punches with 5lb dumbbells. (100 jab crosses, 100 left right hooks, 100 left right uppercuts)
  • 50 bent over laterals, 50 chest presses, 50 ladder presses with 5 lb dumbbells (done very fast with little to no rest)
  • 300 punches, hard and fast, no dumbbells.. (50 jabs, 5o crosses, 50 left, 50 right hooks, 50 left, 50 right uppercuts.)
  • couple minutes of light shadow boxing.
Done in 40 minutes. The kettlebell part was definitely the most challenging.

Daily Sweat 8/30/11

Well, looks like we're going to Mexico in October! It will be our first time. I'm excited. So, since I will be running around half naked for a week, I decided to take shit up a notch. Here's my workout for 8/30/11:

It's a TRX lower body day!
  • 50 standard squats
  • 60 pistol squats (30 each leg)
  • 60 1 leg side lunges (30 each leg)
  • 50 toe squats (feet together, squatting while up on my toes)
  • 50 jump squats
  • 50 standard squats
Then 100 left to right ball slams with 30lb medicine ball. Followed by stretching.
Took me 45 minutes

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Daily sweat 8/24/11

Similar to yesterday's except I added pushups, 2 hand swings and some snatches.

100 kettlebell swings with my 50lb bell, 50 pushups.

10 1 hand swings each arm
20 2 arm swings
10 pushups
rest 30 sec - 1 minute
Repeat 5X
Then, to practice technique, I did snatches with my 12kg bell for 1 minute each hand.

Pretty good workout, but in retrospect, I should have done 20 pushups at the end of each set instead of 10. Oh well.

Daily Sweat 8/23/11

Ok, so it was my intention in the birth of this blog to post my workouts (daily sweats). I haven't been diligent with keeping up with those posts. SORRY. Yesterday's was very short and simple.

200 1 arm kettlebell swings with a 50lb bell.
10 swings with the left hand/ 10 swings with the right hand
rest 30 seconds to a minute.
Repeat 5x.

It took me about 15 minutes. Which was good, because at 4:10pm I got a bug in my butt and decided to grab a sweat before my 4:30 client.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Getting real with fitness industry myths and excuses.

The scale's not moving; The tape measure show's inches lost and gained at the same time. Here's some popular myths and excuses that I encounter daily and weekly.

  • Muscle weighs more than fat.
No. It does not. What weighs more, a pound of feathers or a pound of lead? Trick question, 1 pound is 1 pound. 16 oz's is 16 oz's. Here's another trick question; "Who'd win in a fight between Lemmy and God?" Lemmy is God! BAM! If you know who Lemmy is, you're welcome. If you don't, sorry that I offended you. I digress.
  • Turning fat into muscle
Doesn't happen. Fat and muscle are different tissue.

So then what's the story? If I'm not turning fat into muscle, why are people telling me I look better? Because you're exercising. You feel better. There is a spring in your step, your posture is good you're tightening you tummy as you walk around. You don't plod in your gait, you start to move like an athlete.

  • My waist is bigger because I've built my abs so strong that it's pushing my gut out!
Bullshit. Abdominal muscles are dense. They don't inflate like chest and back muscles do. If your waist is bigger, you're either bloated, or you're fatter. Sorry.

  • Maybe I'm eating too little?
This one is interesting. Because it's actually possible. But, I have yet to see it happen. I mean come on! People aren't in the position of having to lose weight if they light eaters. When I hear this one, I want to say, "Hmm yes, you know, sometimes I think that my good looks have actually held me back in life."

I had a client actually try to tell me that she only ate an apple and a hotdog every day. She thought that maybe she should eat more. What she forgot, is that we are facebook friends. And, that I read her posts. She's one of those people who likes to take pictures of her food. Trust me, she was not slowing her metabolism down with a lack of calories.

Another client was following weight watchers to a "T." She was actually gaining weight. I was kicking her ass 2x a week, and she was kicking her own ass 3x a week. I saw the effort. I almost bought it. Until, she fess'd up to a "few beers" on the weekends. And, "1 or 2" on thursdays (softball night). After adding up what she owned up to, her beer consumption came to 18 - 20 bud selects in 2 weeks. That's close to 4000 calories in a month. 4000 extra calories to burn off. It only takes 3500 to make a pound.

My point is, that in my experience, most people consume more than they think. If you're eating too little, then it's no mystery. Likely, you would experience rapid weight loss for a several weeks, and then the weight loss grind down to a halt. As I said, I've yet to work with somebody who eats too little.

Ok, so hear's the long and short of it.

If you are trying to lose weight, i.e. take up less space, it's simple calories in, calories out. You must burn more than you eat. If the scale and tape aren't moving, you're eating too much. Period. Simple yes, easy, no.